New ads from the DCCC and Judy Feder

The DCCC is out with four new ads in OH-01, NH-01, CT-04 and MI-09. All pretty good, I think the anti-Chabot one is the best. Good to see them picking up the pace. Also it looks like most of these where released a week ago but the DCCC has all the ads they are running up at their YouTube (which was invented by John McCain, by the way.)

Also in VA-10 Judy Feder has a new ad

Quite frankly, I’m not a big fan of it. She’s got a lot of money but isn’t doing what she needs to win this campaign and that’s too bad because she would be a great congresswomen.

Seeing any other ads lately?

2 thoughts on “New ads from the DCCC and Judy Feder”

  1. She needs to be coming up with some truly great ones if she wants to take out Wolf.  Demographic shifts certainly aren’t gonna give us that race alone, not for the next few cycles, anyway.

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